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Is “Foreseeable” “Anticipated” in Alimony Modifications?

Is “Foreseeable” “Anticipated” in Alimony Modifications?

Modification of an award of alimony requires a change in circumstances.  For many years, the Florida Supreme Court has required that this change in circumstances be substantial, involuntary, and permanent in nature and not contemplated at the time of the support...

It’s All in a Name

It’s All in a Name

When you got married, it seemed simple to change your name.  You showed your marriage license to the entity and it was taken care of. Now that you are getting divorced, you aren’t certain if you want to change your name in the divorce.  You think “If I decide to...

Personal v. Enterprise Goodwill

Personal v. Enterprise Goodwill

You have worked tirelessly to build your business over the years.  You have worked hard to retain your clients and keep them coming back year after year.  You have set your business apart from other businesses in your industry by building business relationships with...

It’s None of Your Business!

It’s None of Your Business!

You and your spouse go to work on a daily basis.  However, you own your business in South Florida.  You put in hours of blood, sweat, and tears to build your business and set yourself apart from others in your industry.  Your spouse enjoys the fruits of your business...

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Our website provides only general information, and you don't have to hire us if you decide not to move forward.

*The duration of your initial free consultation will be determined by the attorney conducting the consult.

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